Friday, August 24, 2012

I wanna talk about ME!

Hi Blogger's!  
The rain here in Houston has forced me into hibernation with a mocha chocolate shake.. 
I want to connect with ya'll a little deeper.. 
but not reealll deep ha. Here is a little about ME

I am 23
In school to be a nurse
My favorite color is yellow
I Iove to run 
I'm obsessed with cooking
and my Boyfriend, Nick!  

I Iove my large family! 
I love being outdoors 
I live for adventure and trying new things 
I'm a Gemini
I travel as much as I can
My current goals are to run a half marathon
create an herb garden..
visit Splashtown..
and plan a campout/ bonfire on the beach

This is all I have for now, but I'm an open book and I'm always learning!  

I've been lacking in the sleep department, so I'm going to take a little siesta before my dentist appointment.. 
I'm running the 10K tomorrow!  
You know what that means.. Carb Overload TONIGHT!
S*&! just got real.. 
I'll let you know all about it! 

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