Thursday, August 23, 2012

An apple a day..

Hi Bloggers!
I miss yewww!  Summer school really kicked my booty..
SO!  Lets chat!  My soccer team tied our game yesterday (I'll take it)
I made my first pastel piece of art! Nick is really into pastels so I dabbled a little.. 
I registered for the CNA program (yay!)
Annddd I am running a 10k Saturday and Nick his Dad!  I will literally do WHATEVER it take to finish before them!  Seriously going to be throwing bo's Saturday so WATCH OUT

Here's my little tidbit of information for the day... 
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Remember that little trick your brother used to play on you.. hold your tongue and say Apple!  
Got Ya! 

NO seriously.. Did you know... 

The skin of an apple contains Pectin, which lowers blood pressure. 
Filled with fiber, apples are very filling.
Apples reduce the risk of several types of cancer by over 40% including breast, colon, liver, and lung.
Chewing apples lowers tooth decay.
Apple juice reduces the effects of aging on the brain; preventing alzheimer's.
Eating apples helps with diarrhea and constipation.
Apples boost your immune system.

Other than eatting an apple with peanut butter, I also enjoy them in a smoothie!
I am not a fan of warm fruit.. so this is the closest I get to Apple Pie.. 

Apple Pie Smoothie

1 Scoop Vanilla Protien
I Raw Apple
 1 TSP Vanilla
1 Tsp Cinnamon
Splash of Milk

Combine in blender and enjoy! 

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