Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Tuesday Bloggers! I have a little more moving til I am settled in the new house (finally!!) I am making a dinner tonight to push us through the move. Also, picking up supplies for my healthy food detox! My thoughts on detox: I eat food and if I mess up, its okay! I modify it to fit my lifestyle (i.e. if I want coffee, I'll take it!) So this is more of a laid back plan. I want to do it so I can be healthier for my workouts! Boy is Alex going to be thrilled I have included bacon on the menu for tonight! Hope ya'll enjoy the treats!

Another note on the "detox" I am doing. It is organic and natural. Veggies, Fruit, Whole Wheat, Seafood, Organic Meat, Nuts etc. I will post my meals everyday and the routine I go along with!
Download a meditation app on your phone. I strongly believe this helps me cleanse my mind and body!

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