Friday, April 27, 2012

Half Marathon Training

Just finished my second week of half marathon training (yay!!). I can NOT wait for that 13.1 sticker to make its way to my car!!  I'm following a few training routines, but mainly on from competitor magazine.  I couldn't find a link online, but I will post it week to week for ya'll.

Week 1
Monday ~ 25 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 25 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 2 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 3 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 2
Monday ~ 25 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 25 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 2 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 4 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 3
Monday ~ 25 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 25 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 2 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 5 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 4
Monday ~ 25 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 25 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 3 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 5
Monday ~ 35 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 35 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 6 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 6
Monday ~ 35 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 2 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 35 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 7 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 7
Monday ~ 35 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 35 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 8 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 8
Monday ~ 40  min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 40 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 4 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 9
Monday ~ 40 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 40 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 4 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 9 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 10
Monday ~ 45 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 45 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 4 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 10 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 11
Monday ~ 35 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 35 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 3 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ 5 miles easy
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

Week 11
Monday ~ 25 min. cross training
Tuesday ~ 3 miles easy
Wednesday ~ 25 min. cross training
Thursday ~ 2 miles easy
Friday ~ REST!!!!
Saturday ~ RACE DAY!!!
Sunday ~ REST!!!!!

I normally use so I know exactly how far I go.  I do a lot of different cross training, but honestly I do at least an hour.  I normally do zumba, so there ya go!  My half marathon in going to be in July (or August I can't decide!). Maybe I will see some of ya'll there!

On another note, my mother can no longer eat dairy, meat, processed food, caffeine, or sugar.. Ay Ay AY!!  So if you have any good recipes, send them my way!  I am going crazy on blogs for recipes... I'm collecting quite a little cook book!  She can have fish!  I wanted to note that.

Made two trips to Galveston this week!  It's been pretty windy, but I always enjoy myself there.  Pleasure Pier is almost ready and my brother can not be more excited!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Tuesday Bloggers! I have a little more moving til I am settled in the new house (finally!!) I am making a dinner tonight to push us through the move. Also, picking up supplies for my healthy food detox! My thoughts on detox: I eat food and if I mess up, its okay! I modify it to fit my lifestyle (i.e. if I want coffee, I'll take it!) So this is more of a laid back plan. I want to do it so I can be healthier for my workouts! Boy is Alex going to be thrilled I have included bacon on the menu for tonight! Hope ya'll enjoy the treats!

Another note on the "detox" I am doing. It is organic and natural. Veggies, Fruit, Whole Wheat, Seafood, Organic Meat, Nuts etc. I will post my meals everyday and the routine I go along with!
Download a meditation app on your phone. I strongly believe this helps me cleanse my mind and body!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weekend challenge!

Hi all my bloggers out there! I've been trying to find a good fitness blog out there, and I really haven't found anything I love. Here is my idea of one! On here you are likely to find... new recipes, workouts, inspiration, classes I teach, and lots of other healthy stuff! Please email me or comment on anything you would like to see on here! I think it is important that you set goals in workout or have a reward program. I like to put a star on my calendar when I workout or eat reasonably healthy for a whole day. I aim for about 5 per week. Lets try and cut out fast food this weekend. Make it a little challenge! Lets start today! I will make a trip to the grocery store in the afternoon. Share some of your easy healthy meals!

Here is a website that has fun lunch ideas! I'll be working all weekend, so I'm going to need all the help I can get!

tata for now!