Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Touch" Rugby

HI Bloggers!!  I tried something new this week!  Tuesday night I went out for a touch rugby game!  My boyfriend plays, so I finally decided to join him on the field..  I was really nervous at first.  I love trying new things, but I had NO CLUE what rugby was (I was actually under the impression it was touch football).  I will say that it was a blast!  I loved it!  The first 30 minutes were a bit rough.. I got hit in the face and I fell a few times, but I liked it!  The boys even gave me a group hug... yay...  My thighs are still aching today.. but I like that too :).  Try it out!  I would say its a mix between soccer and football.. It really helped my honey and I bond a little too!  I also want to add I didn't get a break either.. cause I'm bad ass like that lol.  Still running 3 days a week!  Planning a 5 miler tomorrow over the Kemah bridge!  I'll snap a few pics for my next entry.  Hope you guys had a wonderful week and have big plans for the weekend!!

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