Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Couples Guide to the Whole 30

I am assuming you are reading this because you are going/ want to do the Whole 30!
I have already done 2 rounds of Whole 30, but I want to take you guys on the journey with me! 
I work full time, taking 6 online classes, and have to cook for both Nick AND I.. so I'm busy ya'll! 
I also love to cook, which makes the Whole30 super fun for me. 

Here are a few "need to know" about the Whole30:

  • YOU HAVE TO PLAN - I would buy an organic rotisserie chicken to keep at the house at all times. Sometimes hunger strikes and you are just miserable.
  • If possible, find a buddy! 
  • People will not understand why you are doing the Whole 30.. Sometimes you won't either
  • Pinterest and Google will be very helpful for finding recipes
  • Read the book: If you understand the WHY, it will be easier to follow

This time around, I will be doing it with my boyfriend! I plan on doing the Whole 30 for 8 weeks: A.) because that will put me right at my birthday and B.) I want to follow the Tone it Up Bikini Series!! 

The Whole30 is such a great lifestyle change. The basic of Whole 30 is to remove all of the inflammation in your body. 

I will do my best to post a couple times a week. I'm thinking I will post recipes, inspiration, workouts, and meal plans.. Follow me on Insta for daily #whole30 info.

APRIL 25th- Mark your calendar!!

This is going to be fun! Do it with me!! PLEASE!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

21-Day Purification Program Start Here!!

Hi bloggers!  
My supplements came in, so now I am ready to start my cleanse!!!!

I'm super excited and I bought all the groceries to go along with it..
Isn't that soo pretty! 

For the first 10 days, you can not eat meat. Your diet will consist of fruit and veggies, wild rice, quinoa, and the SP Complete Shake.
Also, you should aim to eat twice as many veggies as you do fruit.
Since this is my first time trying this cleanse, I am going to post my recipes as I go. 
You may want to wait to follow along until I'm half way done.
I am doing the SP Complete Cleanse as recommended by Dr. Nick. 

I am on it because I have some issues with my small intestine and I also have a caffeine problem (whoops)
There are many health benefits and you can find them all on their website
And here is a link to the cleanse pamphlet
I started by cutting a little fruit.

I hope you enjoy reading and following along with me! 
If you are in the Houston area; you can visit Dr. Nick Chretien at Energee Spine Care
He is amazing and does great soft tissue work.
You can also purchase the products there from him.
Also, for daily recipes, inspiration, and workouts; you can follow me on Instagram!
And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to email me or leave a comment!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Coq A Reisling

SO here the story:
After bootcamp, I went to the grocery store to do a bit of shopping.
On my way home, Nick calls and tells me the power is out at the whole complex..
SOooo change of plans, we went and got crawfish and went to a pool hall! 
I would have had photos, but we were reserving the battery on our phones.. 
Have you ever had to put groceries away by candlelight? ha 
Here is the dish I made the next day. 

  • 1/2 stick of butter
  • splash of olive oil
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • i package of bacon/pancetta, sliced into thin strips
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 8 chicken pieces on the bone 
  • i package portabella mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cups Riesling (or dry white wine of your choice)
  • 1 cup cream
  • 2 tbs corn starch
  • salt & pepper to taste

Melt the butter and oil together in a large pan.

Brown the chicken pieces all over and remove from the pan.

Add the onions and bacon and allow to fry until the onions are soft and translucent and the bacon has rendered it’s fat.

Add the garlic and allow to saute for another 30 seconds before removing the mixture from the pan (leaving the fat behind).

Add the mushrooms and allow to fry for 5 minutes.

Add the onion and bacon mixture along with the browned chicken back to the pan.

Pour in the wine and allow to come up to a boil. Turn down the heat and cover. Allow to simmer for 15-25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.

Uncover, turn up the heat and add the cream. Allow to cook for another 10 minutes.

If the you would like thicker sauce, mix in 2 tbs of cornstarch.

Season to taste.

Serve with rice or bread; or both!